Bought a new t-shirt

Just got back from CA and OR and, can’t help myself, love to shop. Bought a T that reminded me of one I bought 30+ years ago in Mill Valley. In one of the two canyons in Mill Valley, on a one-way street headed back to the  village (across from the Mill Valley Market and the fire station), there was an old garage back then that the “gluers” had taken over. They called it the Unknown Museum, and, in it, were funky items that the artists had decorated by glueing stuff on them. There was a car with rows of cupie dolls, bottle caps, sequins, plastic toys, you name it. A chair had been remodeled into a throne, be-speckled with all kinds of everyday objects. There was a Shiva, I believe, sporting do-dads.

Here’s a site that talks about the Unknown Museum.

It quotes Micky McGowan, the museum’s creator, who had his collection of “stuff” there, and now that I think about it, I seem to remember that he was a vegan, who wouldn’t wear leather shoes, and created some kind of funky canvas plastic shoes that he sold at the museum.

Here’s a couple videos on it. the musuem now and the museum then

Anyway, at that time, I was renovating a home on Magee, and, one of the Unknown Museum’s artists, Ron West (I think) was doing some house painting for me. When I’d ask him how I should make out his check, he’d say, Ron East, North, South, West. Take your pick.

Ron was actually an air-brush artist, and I bought (and treasured) one of his shirts. It was a long-sleeve white T on which he had layered his fantastical creatures over swirls of aqua paint, implanting sequins for eyes. I wore that shirt until it was full of holes, and finally threw it out.

So, wherever you are, Ron North, South, East or West. Thank you!

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